Thursday, July 31, 2014


Months before the actual youth conference, all youth 12 and up were seperated in to 12 tribes, representing the 12 tribes of Israel. The youth practiced various assigned re-enactments and many had their voices pre-recorded for these re-enactments.
We began youth conference in Orderville at the Seminary building where the youth had breakfast, picked up their water bottles and backpacks. 
After that, they located their tribal leaders and walked to the Orderville church carrying the flag each tribe had made at a previous tribal activity. Once there they experienced their first devotional and a re-enactment where they participated by wiping 'blood' on a mock doorpost so the destroying angel would pass over.  After that, they headed up to Cedar Mountain on land that the Heaton's let us use. It began with a hike in to the property during which the youth participated in various re-enactments. The first one was the parting of the Red Sea, carrying the Ark of the Covenant and the Battle of Jericho.
Many amazing devotionals were presented, re-enactments performed, special speakers, musical numbers and the youth were even taught a Jewish wedding dance by Lindsey Wulfenstein and Alyssa Alan where much dust was kicked up and fun was had. There were some great testimony meetings and a very memorable sunrise hike.  Many battles were fought
- some with swords, others with slingshots.  We were fed well by Joe and Molly Houston.
The most memorable night was the final night at the Alton town park and Alton church when President Adams, representing Christ, came riding in on a donkey for the Last Supper and washed the feet of the
12 apostles (many of whom were soon-to-be missionaries) and following that everyone had the opportunity to experience the sensory activity inside the church that portrayed the life of Christ. This youth conference touched the lives of many and much was learned about the life of Christ and the Old Testament.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Pioneer Day, 24th of July, activities were spearheaded by the Kaibab Stake. A parade kicked off the evening and was followed by fun in the Kanab City Park. All wards pitched in for the pot luck picnic in the park. The entertainment was varied – cowboy poetry, bands, duets and a movie for all.